10K Challenge Raises Over £1,400

A huge thank you to everyone who supported our 10k Challenge team, Julia and Dorothy, who braved the inclement June weather, completing the 10K course in just over 2 and a half hours.  Set up by FSI who support small charities by holding events throughout the year, the event had approximately 220 participants who came from all over the country from  a wide range of charity organisations.   A great networking opportunity!

The weather was a wild mixture of really warm sunshine interspersed by sharp showers which fortunately held off from a complete deluge until after the Challenge was completed.

The total funds raised still need to be finally calculated however, we can say that the 10K Challege raised over £1,400 including gift aided contributions.  A most valuable sum which will be used to support the work of Dr Paul Ushie and the team in Nigeria.




One Response to “10K Challenge Raises Over £1,400”

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  1. Louise Rudd says:

    Congratulations Julia and Dorothy! Very well done 🙂