During the spring and summer of 2012, in addition to providing essential medical treatment to the area of the Mambilla Plateau, the RMO team has undertaken a number of remote outreach activities plus one to the region’s prison.
Our activities have received support from a number of valuable new sources over this period which in turn have enabled us to finance some significant replacement equipment and commence two major projects, the building of staff accommodation and water project at the hospital.
Until recently, we have relied on individuals accompanying the delivery of equipment purchases however, this is expensive and delays the speed by which items may arrive. To address this situation, we have negotiated terms with an organisation advantageous rates for international currency exchange and transfers. This has enabled us to fund major works and equipment purchases locally, getting the equipment to site and operational much more quickly and often at lower cost also benefiting the local economy.
Medical Update
In the last six months, the RMO team has undertaken a number of village outreaches; Labbare where 112 people receive medical attention, Leme Yirima where 256 people were treated for a variety of diseases and sickness, and Maisamari where approximately 100 individuals were treated for varying health problems. In each case, the people were given nutritional advice and educated to the need for boiling water for drinking and the necessity to keep the water source free from contamination from human and animal waste.
A further outreach has been made to Gembu Prison where a number of inmates as well as prison staff received treatment for a range of medical conditions.
The base at Gembu remains vital as the source of medical care to the area where in excess of 4,500 individuals have been attended over the last 6 months, including 30 major surgeries conducted by Dr Paul Ushie.
The use of Ozone continues to be indispensable in the treatment of HIV where the team continues to see great results impacting whole families.
The team has been recently boosted by the arrival of Paul and Mary’s daughter, Dr Ushie Junior, who recently qualifying as a Doctor joined the team for a period this summer, markedly increasing the treatment capacity of the hospital. In addition two Medical Auxiliaries both trained in house, have joined the permanent team, successfully releasing Paul and Mary from many time consuming routine duties.
Reaching communities with the Gospel and providing ongoing support for converts continues as part of all the activities of RMO.
At last, the project to dig a bore hole and water reservoir at the hospital was started this summer. Funds to enable this work were successfully raised from a number of sources which it is hoped will be completed before the rainy season comes to an end. Access to clean water on site will relieve the RMO team of the necessity to collect poor-quality water elsewhere, up to four times daily. In addition, it will ease the burden of visiting relatives to the out patients who have to bring food and refreshment into the patients.
The construction of a house to be used for staff accommodation is nearing completion, with the recent addition of two nursing auxiliaries, the ability for them to stay nearby and provide for their subsistence increases the potential for further team expansion, which in turn will advance the outreach capability.
Re-roofing the hospital building remains a pressing concern as the building is leaking severely in several areas. £1,400 was raised for this project via the 10KM Challenge sponsored event in July, which was only half the sum required. As work cannot commence without the full amount of money in place this project continues to take top priority for fund raising activity.
Recent equipment acquisitions have included the Reflectron blood analyser, pictured above, undertaking three simultaneous tests across 17 different parameters and an Oxygen Concentrator, essential for use during operations. A new generator to power all the hospital lighting and equipment has also been purchased to replace the previous one which after many repairs finally became non operational.
The old Diathermy machine packed up beyond repair over 9 months ago and a replacement is required for major surgical operations.
A new Cystoscopy unit has been required for over 12 months.
The team see many cases of Dyspepsia but has no way of diagnosing, a Gastroscopy unit and its accessories would resolve this.
In addition, the hospital has a never-ending requirement for general medical disposables.