Can you help us to fill this shipping container?
We are praying for and appealing to anyone who may be able to help us gather as much and as many of the items listed below to ensure this container is brimming with urgently needed items to assist the work of Rapha Medica Outreach. Our intention is to send the container via sea freight during June this year.
The list below is not exhaustive so please contact us if you feel you have something which may be useful.
We appreciate what we are asking for is not generally just knocking about or sitting idly on the drive however, top of the wish list is a four wheel drive vehicle (ideally left hand drive), followed closely by one or more motorcycles.
In addition we would like:
Medical Equipment
Suction machine
Hospital beds
Theatre Beds / Trolleys
Delivery Beds (Maternity)
Wheel chairs
Analyser for blood assays (hormones)
Side lab bilirubin machine
CD4 Estimation machine
Automated defibrillator
Intensive care beds
ECG Machine
Oxygen saturation machine
Portable (mobile) x-ray machine
Blood chemistry analyser
Cytoscope with accessories (including a cyrethromtome)
A gastroscope/colonoscopy with accessories
Diathermy/Cauthery machine
Hospital Consumables
Cannulas of all sizes
Surgical sutures mainly Vicryl, catgut, Nylon sizes 3-2, 2-0,0, 1, 2
Needles of all sizes
Spinal Needles (22g,23g,24g, 25g)
Artery Forceps (small and medium)
Surgical gloves (size 7.5 and 8)
Examination gloves
Gauze rolls
Sundry Items
Adult and child clothing
Kitchen utensils
PA Sound System